How can I order?
You can place your order for Confeitaria Peixinho directly in the shop in Aveiro, through the online shop or the email address
Where can I buy products from Confeitaria Peixinho in Lisbon?
You can find Ovos Moles, Raivas from Aveiro and Almendrados at Confeitaria Peixinho in Terminal 1 at the Lisbon Airport and in Casa Pereira da Conceição, in Rua Augusta. In this shop, Ovos Moles are sold exclusively during the winter.
What are the opening hours of the Confeitaria Peixinho shops?
The opening hours of the Confeitaria Peixinho shops are available on the brand's website, here.
What products are available in the online shop?
In the online shop you can order Ovos Moles, Ovos Moles “Broinhas”, Ovos Moles Chestnuts and Raivas from Aveiro, which can be shipped to anywhere in Portugal and Europe.
The remaining products are exclusively available in the Aveiro shop. For having other specificities and in order to guarantee their quality, they will have to be picked up in shops, since we cannot assure an adequate transport that will make them arrive in perfect conditions.
Do you make Ovos Moles with different shapes?
The moulds of the Ovos Moles are standardized by APOMA - Portuguese Association of Ovos Moles of Aveiro and common to all certified manufacturers, as is the case of Confeitaria Peixinho, being the certification the guarantee of authenticity.
Which products are gluten free?
The Suspiros and the Ovos Moles Chestnuts are confectioned without gluten. However, we can not claim that they are gluten-free because the factory of Confeitaria Peixinho is not certified for gluten-free production. Although there is no ingredient that contains gluten in its composition, there may be some risk of contamination.
Other information
For further information or additional clarifications, please contact us through the email